Classroom 16!

The Classroom of Mr. Stathis

Mare Island Health and Fitness Academy


Various Photos and Captions and Messages from the 2021-2022 School-year





Miss Ava Teaches the Class


Miss Ava checks for understanding


Sylanna takes questions and comments following sharing her Creative Writing story.


Acsa reads her "Magic Hat" story to the class!


Zeymond responds to a Classmate's question about his Story.


Students were tasked to get with a Partner and brainstorm together what they think is going to happen next in the Reading Lesson Story. Then write their combined ideas.






The Aim Readers read aloud our Learning Aims to the Class.



One of our Morning Messages for Discussion from a past week.



Students read their "Mail" received from Classmates!




Students Brainstorming of Character Traits from the story


Principal Madson honors two Classroom 16 students: Acsa: Excellence in Citizenship; Jean: Excellence in Academics





Brycen explains a Math solution!





Students count how much Mandala Money they've earned.





...And the 2021 Rocket Project Images and Links






  • Link to the Video of the Rockets Project June 2021 and Launching! Click here! +

  • Click here for the Sunflower Photos from the 2021-2022 Class!




  • LINK: Go further Back in Time: Some Photos from 2019-2020. Click here! +